Avery Drouin, Pinerkton Academy, Lacrosse


Scaccia PT & Complete Athlete have had numerous successful injury-to-play stories but the following is quite impressive. In June of 2016, Avery Drouin, a lacrosse player from Pinkerton Academy, tore her ACL in a tournament. She had just completed a very successful junior year and had already committed to play in a D1 program. Her senior year looked like it may in jeopardy. After surgery, she began her PT with Scaccia Physical Therapy. After several months, she began the transition to sport specific training with Complete Athlete.

The healing process was amazing, but her mechanical/athletic movements were worrisome. As with most knee injuries, the athlete tends to favor the injured joint causing flaws in movement. This can lead to a re-occurrence of injury. When it was apparent that strength and recovery was not the issue, we began 1:1 drills and exercises with Avery until all flaws were corrected and confidence was restored. Avery went on to play the full season. She was awarded All-American, 1st Team All-State, Athlete of the Year and Distinguished Player of the Year (chosen by the Athletic Director) at Pinkerton.