summer workouts special Offer
It's time to rise above the competition! With spring finally here we're preparing for our summer schedule. We're offering a special discount for athletes who purchase summer sessions during the month of May!
Get ready for fall sports and get ahead of the competition! Complete Athlete is NH's only sports performance center that consistently improves athletes' SPEED, AGILITY, FOOTWORK, QUICKNESS, JUMPING, STRENGTH & POWER. Purchase sessions during the month of May and get a big discount for June, July & August!
For the months of June, July & August (starts now for college athletes)
Unlimited Speed & Strength $499, 24 Speed & Strength Sessions $425, Unlimited Strictly Speed $349
- Have mandatory "lifting" with your team? Don't settle for a program that doesn't promote SPEED & POWER. Supplement with either the Strictly Speed program or go the extra mile with the full Speed & Strength program.
- For many athletes the summer is the only time of year without a full-time sports schedule. That means building strength & speed can finally be the priority.
- Fall sports are close in quickly once summer starts. Don't let your competition outwork or out-prepare you!
- For college athletes, bring your strength & conditioning program with you! We'll provide the equipment, facility & environment you need as well as assess your program and add to it if needed.
- Don't be the only person setting off the lunk alarm at the local gym. Join your fellow collegiate athletes HERE pushing themselves to achieve MORE upon return to school.
- More D1, D2 & D3 college athletes choose Complete Athlete than any other training facility in New Hampshire!